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VV Action Porto Alegre R$ 139.90

VV Action Porto Alegre R$ 139.90

R$ 139,90Price



This VV Action aims to promote the female empowerment of young girls living in communities on the outskirts of Porto Alegre-RS, assisted by our partner NGO in the region, Ascendendo Mentes.

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    In this VV Action in partnership with the NGO Ascendendo Mentes, we are going to promote a morning full of exchanges and teachings between our volunteers and the young girls assisted by the NGO. There will be conversation circles and chat about female empowerment, personal autonomy, financial independence, decision-making and insertion of women in the labor market. The activities will be led by our guest volunteer Haisa Hofmann, who has a background in Marketing with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and leadership.


    Porto Alegre is the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, it is the most populous city in the State and the 12th in Brazil, with approximately 1,500,000 inhabitants. Economically, it is the most important city in the state and the 7th in the country, a pleasant and very touristic city. However, currently the number of people living on the poverty line has increased considerably. Something that was aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

    With that in mind, we teamed up with the NGO Ascendendo Mentes, which aims to encourage young people in vulnerable situations by facilitating their access to education and professional qualification aimed at entering the job market. The Institute is located in the neighborhood of Glória, in Porto Alegre, and covers 6 communities: Cel. Aparício Borges, Cascata, Morro do Embratel, São José, Police Hill and Parthenon.

  • SDG

    VV is guided in all its actions by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global agenda adopted during the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development in September 2015. There are 17 goals and 169 goals to be achieved by 2030.


    For this program we work with the following SDGs:


    - SDG 4: Quality Education

    - SDG 10: Reduction of inequalities

    - SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


    March 4th, 2023 (Saturday)


    09:00 Arrival of volunteers at Instituto Ascendendo Mentes Address: Rua General Azevedo, 1165 - Glória, Porto Alegre.

    09:20 welcome and breakfast.

    09:45 Start of activities

    11:30 am Conclusion of activities

    12:00 End of action


    • Assistance from the VV Team on site

    • Assistance from the Ascendendo Mentes Team on site

    • Breakfast 

    • Material for the activities

    • Donation to NGOs

    • volunteer certificate

    • E-book: VV Volunteer Guide

    • Administrative, government fees and taxes


    Mariana Serra


    VV Coordinator


    Social entrepreneur and co-founder of VV. She has worked in social and humanitarian projects in Haiti, India, Thailand, Costa Rica, Jamaica, USA, Brazil, Tanzania, Kenya, Indonesia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Honduras and acting as general coordinator of actions in refugee camps in Middle East, Lebanon and Jordan. She is co-author of the book Young Entrepreneurs, leaders of Brazil that works, from Leader publishing house. Mariana entered the list of 30 UNDER 30, by the renowned Forbes magazine, as one of the most promising young women in Brazil under 30 years old. 


    Haisa Hofmann 


    He has a background in leadership, entrepreneurship and marketing. She works as Campaign Coordinator at Marisa stores and has a fit lunchbox company in Porto Alegre. It also mentors entrepreneurs to stimulate business growth and maximize sales. Haisa's flag is female entrepreneurship, women in power, and she practices all of this in her daily life.

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