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VV Action Sertão da Paraíba BRL 2,570.00

VV Action Sertão da Paraíba BRL 2,570.00


VV Action Sertão da Paraíba


Let's spend 4 days helping vulnerable children in the Sertão da Paraíba offering training, caring and the highest level of education so that they have a better future.

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    Através dessa ação VV, em parceria com a Love Together Brasil, temos como missão melhorar a qualidade de vida de crianças vulneráveis da cidade de Piancó. Trabalharemos o empoderamento, autoconhecimento e busca para ampliar o poder de escolha dessas crianças. A ação tem o objetivo de levar atividades recreativas como música, contação de histórias, pinturas e jogos para essas crianças. Para os adolescentes, o objetivo é organizar oficinas de fotografia, mídias sociais, moda, dança ou alguma outra temática sugerida pelos voluntários. Também temos o objetivo de levar os voluntários a Serra Grande com o intuito de compartilhar conhecimentos básicos de gestão e negócios para trabalhadores locais que cultivam a rapadura e o turismo ecológico.


    Precisamos de todo perfil de voluntário para essa ação. Todos passarão pela capacitação da VV, receberão as cartilhas e guias necessários para evolução e execução da ação.


    OBS: A VV pode modificar esta ação, o cronograma ou o tipo de ajuda a ser levado a qualquer momento.


    The Sertão is a region of Brazil of unique and remarkable beauty, but which suffers greatly from poverty aggravated by the high rate of
    birth rate, low schooling and long periods of drought.


    The Sertão of the State of Paraíba is one of the regions that most need help in the country and it is more precisely in the city of Piancó, which is 400 km from João Pessoa, capital of the State, that the VV volunteer will work. Piancó is a municipality in Paraíba with an estimated population of 16,039 inhabitants, being one of the oldest cities in the state of Paraíba. That's where our partner, LoveTogether, operates. LoveTogether is a non-profit institution founded in 2014 with the proposal to carry out, with the support of volunteers and the partnership of public and private companies and institutions, specific actions in education, health and water supply in the Sertão. It is with this support that in the last 3 years, the actions of Love Together Brasil have been intensified to alleviate the problem of water scarcity in needy communities in the Northeast region, notably in Sertão da Paraíba, with the drilling/installation of artesian wells in Creches, Schools, Hospitals and Urban and Rural Communities, through the Project “WATER FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SEED”, benefiting thousands of people. 

  • SDGs

    In order to generate a positive impact in a universal language, VV has the UN Sustainable Development Goals integrated into their respective strategic pillars and as decision-making.   


    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global agenda adopted during the United Nations (UN) Summit on Sustainable Development in September 2015 consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030.


    VV meets the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For programs in Brazil we work:


    - SDG 4: Quality Education

    - SDG 10: Reduction of inequalities  

    - SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


    Quinta a domingo: 24 a 29 de março de 2023


    Todos os voluntários devem chegar a João Pessoa até às 16h do dia 24/03 e as passagens para a volta no dia 29/03 devem ser após as 17h. 


    • Sexta: Chegada ao aeroporto de João Pessoa até às 16h. Ida para Piancó de van, chegada à cidade e repouso/aclimatação – jantar no caminho (incluído). O trajeto dura em média 05h.
    • Sábado a Terça feira: Atuação dos voluntários durante o dia.
    •  Quarta feira: Retorno a João Pessoa após o café da manhã, almoço na estrada (incluído) e chegada ao aeroporto. 

    • All material to be used during the activities 
    •   Transfer João Pessoa – Piancó – João Pessoa by public transport
    • Responsible for VV accompanying the group 
    • Accommodation in shared room and single bathroom per room. 
    •   Food (2 meals a day) 
    • VV shirt 
    • Support from the VV Team 
    •   online training 
    •   Volunteer certificate 
    • VV Volunteer Guide
    • administrative fees 
    • PPE Covid-19 

    Fernando Todesco

    Graduated in International Relations and Foreign Trade from the University of Ribeirão Preto and an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Fernando is passionate about humanitarian aid and volunteer work (and travel).
    With experience in large companies in the fields of pharmaceutical, agribusiness, tourism and events, Fernando was part of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Development and has been working in Education for almost 10 years.
    Engaged with social causes since adolescence, he has worked on projects in the United States, South Africa and Brazil, among them, the VV Medical Expedition/Instituto Dharma in the Sertão do Piauí and the VV Week 343 – Venezuela, in addition to having participated in trips immersion in destinations such as Israel, Palestine and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


    He currently works as a Product Manager at CVC Corp and  always seeks to contribute to the development of people and projects. Fernando will join  The  VV in this action to provide, together with the team, training, emotional support and education to the


    Symony Miguel: 

    Volunteer at Love Together Brasil and since 2015 works as project director. In 2020, she became president of Love Together Brazil, delegated to 16 national health conferences in 2019. She is a biomedical specialist and a specialist in health network management; specialist in health assessment applied to surveillance and biomedical aesthete. 


    18 years

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